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Quicky Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey Guys!
Thought I might aswell make this quick update to tell you all what I've been up to lately... Make sure you check back here as I will be updating this as I do things on the Tekkit server...
Dynamic Map -  Check out the online web map of Our new world at !
Shortened URL's - To make your lives easier, I've made some quick easy links for you guys to use, this will be easier for when refering people to our web pages! These links are:

  • - Goes to Tekkit home page
  • - Goes to Tekkit votting page
  • - Goes to Tekkit Store page
  • - Goes to Tekkit map page
  • - Goes to Tekkit Helper 101 page
    Donations - I have now fixed the Fly ring perk in the Trader Package! If you have previously purchased this package then please inform Paul, MrCutter or myself and we will fix it up for you.

The Emerald Rank and higher can now place buckets! Enjoy!
The Ruby Rank and Higher can now have their name changed to something different, for example Paul28041993 is now just Paul. You can also get a Custom Prefix! If your Ruby + and want a name/prefix change then please send me a private message on the website.
Keep an eye out for the Perk Package Sale coming soon!
Staff Ranks - Congrats to the following players and their recent promotions, keep in mind that there are some more soon to come!

  • Paul - promoted to Server Teknician, Please give a Big Thanks to Paul for his hard work on optimising the server and reducing the server's lag dramatically!
  • xXJordzaXx -  Promoted to Moderator, Jordza has been a hard working helper and has been rewarded for that to a harder working Moderator! *clap**clap**clap*
  • SurvivorofMC - Received Helper, Hopefully Survivor will go above and beyond helping you with your worries.That's about it for now... As I said, Make sure you check this every once and a while as I will be updating it as I go along....

Cya guys around!~ mrfrase3