Rank Changes + TP and Home Killing Update

Hello Everyone!
We have made some changes to the added benefits that you automatically receive with donation.
+ Now has coloured sign access
- Sky Island
+ Kit Start access
- Coloured signs
+ Sky Island Access
- Kit start
In addition Sky Islands must be built on fully within two weeks of being claimed. It is fustrating to see half-built or empty skyislands when some silver donors were unable to get a spare one.
Staff Crackdown on TP and Home Killing
Staff are now cracking down on TP and Home killing and new plugins have been installed to start preventing this. I don't want to disable PVP world wide but there are simply too many issues being caused by players not following the rules. Some clarfication:
PVP is allowed anywhere on the map except in player homes.
Don't forget to keep the build entries rolling in!