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Scheduled Maintenance

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey Guys.

I'm posting this to let you all know that each FTB server will be down for roughly an hour each at different times in a few hours time.
Backups will be done and hopefully everything will go to plan. Once done, the servers should have improved performance.
Sorry if this provides any inconvenience and have fun!~ mrfrase3
Update!Due to time constraints, I (nikon) will be taking down all servers at once and doing it all in one mass.
Update #2Due to linux being... well linux, there is going to be a tad more downtime than expected. We're super sorry for the downtime and I'll think of a way to make it up to everyone. ~nikon
Update #3
All servers are up and running, expect some supporting systems like the webchat and voting to be buggy over the next few days whilst we readjust things. Please report any issues you come across in the forums. Thanks! ~ mrfrase3