Server Poll - The future of the FTB Server!
You can now vote as to which mod pack you would prefer us switching to!

We have decided to see what the community want in terms of a server and so we are releasing this poll to get a rough idea of what pack would be best to switch to, if we switch at all, and that decision is up to you, our community.
Here are the details:FTB Unleashed:Basically this is the the new flagship pack, changes from ultimate include an obvious update to 1.5.2, no GregTech and no Redpower. A full mod list can be found here: Apart from missing GregTech, it has a large amount of mods that change the way FTB is played and make it more interesting for new and old players alike.
FTB Unhinged:Unhinged is also an update for FTB to 1.5.2 and it too has no Redpower but does include GregTech. A full mod list can be found here: Unlike Unleashed it has far fewer mods due to some conflicts with GregTech and other mods but will provide a general FTB experience with not much changing from FTB Ultimate but again Redpower will be removed as it will not be updating to 1.5.2.
These options may come at at a hefty price with a server reset needed for both but ultimately think of it as a new change of direction with new mods and updates to old mods. We also plan to make some better server changes such as a spawn that doesn't cause fps lag, more mini-games, a casino and ways to have fun and hopefully win money (or lose it haha). Hopefully this will please most of your and the changes that we bring will produce a richer experience on the server.
If you have any comments, feel free to leave them below or message me about them and I'll be happy to hear them! Don't forget to vote on the left-hand side and I hope you will all make an informed and happy decision about the life of the server.
~The Admin Team