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Server update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Towns/Gyms: Our first town is on the map! /warp Viridian to get there! I will be acting as Gym Leader for now. Battle me when I'm online! Rewards for winning are Earth Badge, $1000 and the TM Dream Eater. The maximum pokemon level which can be used by challengers is 25!
Donation changes: Some changes have been made to the donation store. Shiny starter pokemon can be purchased for $10, TM's will be added soon for $1 each and there are possible price changes to legendary pokemon.
Server crashes: We are trying our very best to determine the cause of server crashes and will continue to do so. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Server Competitions: As you may have seen we had our first server competitions recently. Server competitions will become regular in early January.
We wish to thank you for your continued support!