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Sky Servers Gaming Gear Give Away!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Between the 7 - 30 of this month (September) we are giving you the opportunity to win some awesome gaming gear! Here is how the competition will work.
For every $1 you donate to the server you get one credit point. The more credit points you have the greater your chance of winning!
The prizes will then be randomly drawn at the beginning of next month. ALL DONATIONS COUNT, either for perks / ranks or voluntary donations!
Prizes are as follows:
1st Prize:1 Pair of SteelSeries Siberia V2 Full Size Headset - Frost Blue

2nd Prize1 Pair of SteelSeries Siberia V2 Full Size Headset - either Red or White Or Black

3rd Prize1 SteelSeries Kana Optical Gaming Mouse - either Black or White

Shortly you will be able to view the number of credit points you have collected! Stay tuned to the website for more information!
Terms and Conditions* Colours are subject to change due to stock availability.* We don't ship to North Korea. Sorry.* Winners will be chosen randomly. No complaining if you lost.* Winners will be required to provide postal address to Founders for shipping.