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Sky Servers Update!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Sky Servers has gone through a bunch of update and a reset recent while upgrading to 1.10.

Many new features have come out of this reset,

  • Challenges are more difficult
  • The End and Nether access must now be unlocked through Skyblock challenges
  • New Gamehub System
  • Spawn, Starting islands + More!

Please Remember to report bugs here guys! or you are welcome to message an Admin +

The winner of ChatReaction for March is "TacTic_ACE" Congratulate ApexC00kie, Vic61 and BiffaPlayz for winning Player of the Month! Enjoy the tag and rewards :)

Now we ask everyone to get on this and support " BLOCK BY BLOCK "  I know I will be supporting this tonight! :D

Block by Block:

Their Projects:

About Them:


Now for some bad news...

They fact that I have to do this, and make changes is not acceptable

Due to recent concerns of perk abuse... Players who were able to Teleport will no longer be allowed until further notice, I am happy to talk about this matter if you wish by commenting here until then this matter is being investigated .

Other commands on other islands have now been blocked, due to recent abuse also and i am cracking down or will remove them for everyone!

"  - thru    - jumpto   - j   - up   - ascend   - asc   - descend   - desc  "

Please remember that your perks are NOT to be abused!

Lastly Ranks and Perks will be changing in next week or 2 to comply with the new EULA that come out thanks to Mojang and we do not have a say in the matter