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SkyHub Anniversary Events!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Sky Hub 1 Year Anniversary!

As some of you may know, about a year a

go the SkyHub opened up and brought along 2 new servers, Prison and Creative, since then the SkyWars server was changed to Parkour and so much more has happened! To celebrate the moment we invite everyone to join us for a couple hours this weekend filled with tons of games and fun!

I myself will be running games at the gamehub including tetris, deathrun, maze and more! The other Admins have also put together some other games for you to all enjoy. If you have any questions about how to play these games check out the GameHub's new website: GameHub Link

King_Johno will be hosting Lava Games! Concept is to be the last player standing on the platform. Pushing your opponent off into the Hot lava. Ouch!

Trivia will also be hosted throughout the day and Songz

Trivia: Broadcasted questions and you must answer as quickly as you can by typing /Helpop [answer]  (any answers in public will be disqualified)

For every question right = $100 in game currency

Songz: I will say the first line of a song and you need to tell me what the song is called by typing your answer in   /Helpop [answer]

For every question right = $100 in game currency

So join us this weekend for some fun events and chances to win some extra cash on skyblock!

American Eastern Time: Saturday May 21st 8pm

Australia Sydney: May 22nd 10am

Find your TimeZone here: Time Zone Website

If you have any other questions make sure to ask them in the comments.

We hope to see you there!



~The SkyBlock Staff