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SkyServers PvP Build Competition!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Over the next couple of weeks, SkyServers PvP will be holding a build contest for the new 1.7 map! The winners will have their builds used/showcased in the new map and will also have the chance to win up to $30 in SkyServers spending money!

Everyone is allowed to partake in the contest. You can only be assigned to one plot for one person. If you use all of the plot, talk to a staff member about either extending your plot area or receiving a new one. The current plot size is 120x120 blocks. You will also receive a warp to your plot so you can easily get to it.


We are looking for three main types of buildings, these are Arenas, Spawns and Markets, however, we are accepting all buildings that will be beneficial to the server in some way. Buildings that meet the criteria we are looking for have a much better chance of


  • 1st Prize - $30 in SkyServers spending money.
  • 2nd Prize - $20 in SkyServers spending money.
  • 3rd Prize - $10 in SkyServers spending money.

This spending money can be used on any server SkyServers has to offer!

There are still heaps of prizes for builds that don't come 1st, 2nd or 3rd but are taken over to be used in the new map. Potential prizes are:

  • Money boost of $10k+ in the new map.
  • Vault to bring items to the new map.
  • Full credit for your build.

These prizes will be given out depending on how good your build is and it's usefulness.


  1. Any innapropriate buildings will be removed and you will not be allowed to enter the contest again.
  2. No builds will be transferred to the new map for your own personal use.
  3. Respect all players and their builds.
  4. Griefing here is NOT allowed.

Where can I enter this contest?

Simple, go to the server and type /warp buildcontest. There you will be instructed on how to receive a plot and various other things. To receive a plot you type /plotme auto. To return to your plot you type /plotme home. Once you have completed your build on your plot you may type /plotme auto again and receive another plot. You can have up to 5 plots!

Wait.. what? Map wipe!?

Yes, when 1.7 comes along the PvP servers map will be reset. More details will be released closer to the date.

How long do I have before the contest finishes?

About 1 week before 1.7 hits will be the time building stops. The prizes will be announced after 1.7 has released.

Good luck to all and happy building!
/warp buildcontest