Social Media Contest

Hello everyone!We will be hosting a social media contest over the next few weeks which will include activities on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.YouTube:Video Contest! Make any type of video you want. This could be a server showcase, review or even a showing off of your own house! There will be some excellent prizes for this including some of the new donor perks being released last weekend! Looking forward to seeing your videos!If you do make one then post it in the forums here. Everyone that enters will win a prize!Facebook + TwitterThere will be several different activities held over the next two weeks on these site. They will include warps posted which lead to in-game prizes, desktop background competition and much more! Also you will get rewarded for tweeting/liking Sky Servers!
Contest will closed on: 10/6/12 with the winners announced on the Monday. Prizes will be announced soon. Until then good luck everyone!
Also don't forget to vote!