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Spooky Update

Written by The SkyServers Team



It's spooky time! This means new updates, candy, and of course: Gifts!

On Halloween day (31st of October), there will be a special kit containing halloween-themed items.

To get this special kit, use: /kit halloween. There may also be a special Haloween event that will

be revealed closer to the day.


Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a few new plugins, refining the shop,

consructing pvp arenas and decorating the spawn. The staff team is working tirelessly to bring updates

to you as swiftly as possible.

~PVP Anti-Logging~

The server now has an anti-log plugin. When you get pvp "Tagged", you cannot log-out

or use any commands until the tag expires. If you do log out, an NPC version of you

will spawn, and you will most likely be slain. Remember: If anyone is breaking the rules,

please report them!

~Bucket Stacking~

Due to popular demand, buckets filled with lava or water now stack as you fill them.

~Sponge Fix~

Sponges now hold back water as they should. Time to build bases!


The shop is open, and excellent prices are guaranteed! There are all-new items, better pricing, and has

a brand new design. More features will be added in the coming weeks. Spawners

will be added to the shop as soon as possible. Thanks to xLockzx for

dedicating a lot of time to design and construct the shop and managing the prices with


~Spawn Area~

The spawn area is being decorated and guides will be installed to help you throughout the game, including

guides on: MCMMO, Factions, Warp portals, Rules, and other nifty tips and tricks.

Bug Reports and Suggestions

If anyone has any suggestions for the server, plugins, or shop prices, please open a thread on

the forums. We always appreciate feedback on any issues you may have.

If a bug has been found, please report it to the Server Manager XerisPvP.

Happy Halloween!

From the whole staff team at AusPvP, we wish you a very spooky halloween!