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This Month On Tekkit

Written by The SkyServers Team

We Say Good-Bye To Some Staff And Hello To NewWe say good-bye to our S-Mod Ninja this month due to interest of other hobbies.We say good-bye to our helper peapan due to loss of interest in computer games.We say good-bye to our helper Jax due to inactivity.We wish that Citezyne has a good break and we hope that he shall return in the near future.We would like to welcome our new helpers AerospaceJunkie, Immortal_Being & ebthing
Rank ChangesHelpers:Longsleev                                       =New StaffJax                                                =Moved OnPeaPanraspoutine007dsutc3AerospacejunkieebthingImmortal_BeingxXCoopaTroopaXx

Server Managers:Molz_YeowieSuperG33Kxxjordzaxx

Helper Applications Always Welcomed!
Don't forget that helper applications are always welcomed! So please if interested DON'T be afraid to apply!
New Warps This Month
Mr_Murtle & Jaws1844 built the first legitimate working particle accelerator on the server!!! Congratulations!
Tutankhamun1333 won most hours spent on the server this month! (prize yet to be decided)