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Time for a news post! Exciting News! Map Reset Inbound!

Written by The SkyServers Team

To our dedicated community and to new PixelMC players.

PixelMC Survival Map will be reset on friday the 29th of May around 6PM AEST.

The current Survival Map is over a year old and has been suffering for a while in her old age!

As for any map to last as long as it has is a miracle in itself!

Unfortunatley all good things must come to an end eventually BUT never fear the next map will be even better than the last!

Some of the new features will include:

1: Level 10 Shiny and other unique Starters!

2: A bigger and better spawn area!

3: Bird Shrines have been enabled!

This is just a small taste as to what the new map has to offer the community!

No pokemon or items will be transfered over onto the new map.

This is to allow all players an even chance at starting fresh again!

Please note that all purchases of pokemon and items through the donation store will be available for redemption for the first week after the reset! You can post on either my wall or _sabres wall with your requests.

Donation ranks will not be lost and will be transfered over onto the new map automatically!

A "/kit reset" will be available for 48 hours after the reset has taken place!

Hope to see you online soon!

Regarding build comp: Entries will be judged on Thursday 28th May!


iBlitz and the PixelMC Staff Team!