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Updates - EXP Bank & EXP from Breaking Blocks!

Written by The SkyServers Team

EXP BankWe now have an exp bank! This plugin allows you to store your current EXP levels on a sign! That way when you die you don't lose it. Check it out here.
EXP Block Breaking!You can now also get EXP from breaking blocks! Here is the table:Stone: 0.1Grass: 0.1Dirt: 0.1Gravel: 0.1Cobble: 0.1Mossy_Cobble: 0.2Log: 0.2Sand: 0.2Sandstone: 0.2Clay: 0.2Coal: 1Iron: 2Gold: 3Lapis: 5Diamond: 15Redstone: 3Obsidian: 5Netherrack: 0.1Soul_Sand: 0.2Glowstone: 1.5Want it? Get it here!
Mob Disguise: Mob disguise has finally updated and donors who have the perk will finally be able to use this.Type /md [animals] to use.
WarpsNon Donors are now allowed to have warps! They cost 25 diamonds for non donors and 15 for donors.
BucketsThe use of buckets has been restricted for all ranks under Silver. This is due to the large amount of griefing that was being done with them. Please ask PreMods+ to help you with placement if you need it.
Spawning AnimalsAsk staff to spawn animal for players is now only for ranks Gold+. Gold+ ranks are allowed to ask staff to spawn animals for their farm.
Your donations are very much appreciated and will continue to help the server running.Tomo