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Video comp results

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey guys, I am here with the results for the video competition
I just want to point out a couple of things. these are just simple things that are a must to recording video from a computer, or even rendering from a 3D program like Maya
Motion blur.
Motion blur is a major thing, without it, things become jumpy and jittery. Even in small amounts can turn a crappy looking video, or ad, into a work of art. Most video editing software should have the option to add motion blur, but only use it in moderation, you are just trying to make it look better, not destroy the quality of the picture. Also too much motion blur has been know to make viewers feel sick.
Minecraft even has a mod that adds motion blur to the game, but it does need the shaders mod.
Watch your curves or more better know as "watch your feet"
Watch where you are walking or flying, when you are recording. Nothing is more annoying for everyone is flying, or running, into a stair or wall. Also when you are showing off a build or area, make smooth curves and movements. Watching the ping and fps can also help with keeping things smooth. If its lagging and hard to work, then don't fight it, stop, wait a second for everything to calm down, and then resume. Anothing thing to do to help is turning off bobbing, especially when you are recording for a ad or display, for a LP its fine.
You don't need to worry about curves in LPs but many mistakes have been known from users not watching the feet or where they are stepping.
Mods and programs
You don't need shaders to make a great video, despite them making them look better. but there are mods that will definitely help out.
Cinemacraft (may only work in Vanilla, but it does show how much of a difference motion blur and good editing can make)

Fraps A good basic program, though to get the full version means donating (it gives the developers money for their time )
I an recommend more software, but they either cost money or need a good computer.
Now for the results
3rd place by KingNOJIMA who won the Elite rank
This is the main reason why I pointed out motion blur. The jitter from the lack of motion blur was the only thing that knocked this video to first place
2nd place by xxJordzaxx who won the Hunter rank
FYI Being an Admin doesnt mention he auto won the comp.
Great video, but a little too long for my tastes. This video appeared to me as more of a showcase then an ad for the server. If you are making an ad, do not focus directly on one thing for a long time, draw the user in by showing off the builds and moving on to the next, the viewer would be more incline to go onto the server and seeing those builds in person.
1st place by dethbunny1235 who won the CEO rank
The major issues I had was chat, it was good video, despite that. Good motion, good timing and quick to the point.
Congratulations to everyone that has won something and also congratulations to everyone that entered. I would love to see more users enter competitions like this in the future.
Next competition: Picture comp. 'Cause our showcase pictures need updating.