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Voting + Build Comp Winners

Written by The SkyServers Team

Our March Build competition will have the theme:
"Favourite Building From Pokemon Game Or Anime." Rules: 1: One entry per person/team.2: 3 People per team maximum.3: Your entry must be from either the pokemon game or pokemon anime series.4: All entries must be posted on the "March Build Comp" thread.5: Each entry must be clearly labelled with a photo attached.6: Entries must have a warp set next to them.Prizes: Will include store credit for 1st, 2nd and third. Congratulations to last months build comp winners! *Please note that all builds entered must have been built from the start of the event and not prior to this event.   Congratulations to the following winners of the February photo competition! 1st Velocibadger$30 store credit 2nd  Acnologia$20 store credit 3rdiRees$10 store credit   Please contact iBlitzcrank or _SaBrEWoLf via the website in regards to the usage of your store credit! Voting Winners will be announced shortly!March is going to be a big month with lots of new suprises in store and to look forward too!As always thanks for your continued patience and support! Hope to see you on the server soon!~SS Pixelmon Staff Team