Voting Contest + Build Comp Winners

Congratulations to the following players for winning the diamond voting competition:
crackerjack27Official winner but is giving benefits to 2nd place.
pokebawlzFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
IronstienFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
djdeanFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
Please PM me with the server you want the rank upgrade on.
Build Competition Winners
1st Place: /warp zoo - DaComfy, Zpower991 & TheToadster - $50 Shared Perk Voucher
2nd Place: /warp phantompig - Ways898 - $35 Perk Voucher
3rd Place: /warp strawtwilightbuild - strawberrymilkIM & Twilight66079 - $25 Shared Perk Voucher
Commendation to: Fadez912 (Creative), Fluify (Creative)
This Months Build Contest Theme: GiantBuild a massive version of something or build something massive!Post your entries here: Event Entries