Voting Winners + Build Comp Winners + Tag Changes and more!

Congratulations to the following players for winning the diamond voting competition:
Crackerjack27Free rank upgrade on server of their choice
VampyMadelineFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
Sgt_KiilaFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
Mr_stinson009Free rank upgrade on server of their choice
Please contact me with the server you want the rank upgrade on.
Build Comp WinnersCongratulations to the following:1. lachiemeckiff$50 Perk Voucher
2. ryley00101 & zaijai $35 Perk Voucher
3. satoshisei2$25 Perk Voucher
This Months Theme: None! But start saving up for next month.
Tag ChangesThe Diamond Voting tag will now be given out if:1. You come first (Yes this means beating crackerjack)2. You place in the top three spots three times.
Helpful Forum Poster1. Will be given out at the request of server admins2. You have over 500 forum post likes