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Weekly Update 20th of May

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey all! Guess it's my turn to do one of these :P
Recently unbanned itemsSo Frase has been hard at work trying to unban a lot of the items that can be used to harm the server. I would like to remind you all that /banned and /unbanned will remain constantly updated for all to use for quick and easy access to the relevant lists. Also I would like to note that asterisks need to be paid attention to within these commands as they will show you what items are available to the public and which items are only available to the Hunter+ testing group.
As for recently unbanned items this includes: Portable Hole, Emperor's Chalice, Minium Stone and Ender Pearl usage has all been released to the public. As usual keep an eye on these lists for all the changes going on within the server.
VotingMore rewards have now been added :D This includes 100 extra claim blocks for every vote. How awesome is that? Also exp bottles have now been added to the market as a voting reward that you can trade in at the trade-o-mats. So get voting for some awesome rewards! Also a big thank-you to those who have been voting, you help us expand our community so we can grow together and create new experiences as the server grows of age. You truly help fuel our server.
DonationsMay I say that donations have been epic lately, it is awesome to see so many people loving the server and donating to show their support! We have officially hit over $4000 in donations as of about 12 hours ago :D We should be seeing some future upgrades coming into place!
Chat ChannelsThanks to Frase and all of his hard work, Feed the Beast has been updated with some new chat channels. These can be accessed with the base command of /chat or /c for shortened use. /global and /local are also open for use as well as a help channel that can be accessed via /chat join help (or /c j help). Hopefully this removes clutter from the chat and can maybe in the future be used for private channels within friends.
Well I think that just about sums everything up. If you have anything to ask about this update or any questions about anything server wise, please do not hesitate to seek myself or any of the Forge staff group out to help you with your issue. I hope you are all enjoying the experience and maybe we could start some sort of "Build of the week" or "Player of the week" kinda thing to include in these weekly updates :P Have fun and remember to show your support for the server by voting :D
Until next week,~Jordza