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Weekly Update 28th of April

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey guys!
If Alriandi can do these, why can't I?
Economy Corruption
As almost everyone is aware, recently the economy's database had corrupted, again. I would like to make it clear that we did NOT intentionally wipe it, nor did was it even possible to have warned about it. We are sorry that this has happened but there is nothing anyone can really do except brush it off and keep moving.
What are we doing to prevent this from happening? Well the truth is, there is not a lot we can do at the moment to stop it from happening again. Yet, what we are going to do is start backing up the plugin files every 24 hours or so, thus if any plugin database corrupts again, the loss will not be as great seeming we can roll it back.
Banned Items
I have recently realised that our current bans list has grown too large, So over the next few days I will be working on reviewing, fixing and unbanning as many items as possible.
As a result, I am currently looking for a keen fluent java developer, preferably with previous modding and/or plugin experience. If this is you, and you are interested in helping me and the server out, please pm me on the website.
To kick start this un-ban-athon, I have fixed the canvas bag dupe and they are now unbanned! YAY!
Illegal Mob Grinders
If you have not yet seen this thread regarding new systems to crack down on illegal mob grinders, then you should.
SkyBox Texture Pack
We have a new Server Texture Pack, Check out more info here or just type "/SkyBox" in-game!
We have been working hard recently increasing the rewards you get for voting, and boy have we! expect more to come in the near future!
Did you know, you can now trade 1618 at the trade-o-mats at the market for unobtainable items!
So don't forget to vote!
Have Fun Guys!~ mrfrase3