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Weekly Updates - Monday 15th of April 2013

Written by The SkyServers Team

So I'm going to try to make this a regular update of what has happened over the week and cover what has happened over the week. I will also cover some topics and tips that I believe should be useful for everyone.
What has happened this week:
New Host.
I am sure everyone is finally happy to have a server host that actually works, despite the transfer causing some issues to arise. This host should stay with us for a very long time and we should all thank Zombytekid, MrFrase3 and the rest of the Forge staff for all their work.
Greif Prevention is acting a little funny at this moment, but this might be an carry on from the old host and the problems that was caused. At this present stage everyone needs to put up with it (as difficult as it is) until we figure out what it is doing or an  update comes out. If you are coming accoss any issues, could you please make a post in and tell use what, where, who is affected and how you are affected. Also screenshots provide screenshots, if possible.
(EDIT: Fixed the topic so its a proper bug report forum)
And Auto reboot is installed, but as everyone already knows, is still being funny. Despite that the reboots should help keep the lag down.
Also the recent crashes was caused by the usual chunk/ regions issues, nothing too major. I would like for everyone to keep a close eye on their tanks, tesseracts or any modded items. Just because they look fine doesn't mean that they are.
What is coming up in the future:
FTB Ultimate 1.5
While it hasn't properly been announced, it doesn't mean is not going to happen. I am sure everyone knows and understands why this is being released much later then Vanilla. So I am going to give a general update to how the FTB Ultimate 1.5 update is going.
The mods are slowly being updated and checked so that they wont be too many issues in the release. The offical update list is here and you can check if your favourite mod is updated through this website here
1.5 is being skipped
There is also some new features in the works for our server, so stay tune for that as I will be announcing it at a later date.
A point that should be raised:
For Skyservers there is a separate staff team and separate forum for every server, now this concept seems a little hard to understand for some users.
DO NOT go onto the other forums for ftb stuff.
This is a simple task. If its Sky Servers FTB related, IT MUST BE KEPT TO THIS FORUM.
I do not want to go onto Main's (aka Survival) forum and find someone has posted on their forums with a issue that is related to our FTB server. Not only will it not get looked at, but you will just get in trouble for it. The same applies to all forums. Main doesnt came here and makes post about their server, so do not go to their forums and post about our FTB server.
If you are new to the forums and/ or are looking at the front page for the first time, scroll down to the linked picture that has the name: Feed The Beast. Do not just click the first linked picture cause that is Main's home page.
Did you know:
That the first furnace that you should make for smelting ores is a slag furnace. It is a must in hard and hard core games and servers. While is takes twice as more fuel, there is a chance ingot production could double and it even gives you a chance of getting other ingots or items as well. More information: