What's New?

Hey Everyone, Hope you're all doing well? From now on there will be a weekly update every monday here on the website designed to keep you in the loop! I will be giving you the lowdown on everything that you might need to know from Special Events, Staff Changes and any other important info.

The Mining World and the Nether will be reset on the 1st of every month. But dont worry we will warn you near the time so that you dont lose any of your precious items!

We are currently working on remodeling our staff team, so if you are interested in joining and accending the ranks of our friendly staff team, dont be afraid to apply or click the 'APPS' tab above to fill out our form and join us.We hope to hear from you soon!

If you find yourself stuck in a corrupt chunk fear not, simply click the 'submit' button at the bottom of this page to reset you at spawn. If you have any other questions/queries, don't be afraid to ask any of our friendly memebers of staff on the server or send them a message over the forums post comment.As some of you may know every sunday we host an events night, managed by our very own event managers. Our event nights including anything from Drop Parties, Exp Parties, PVP Arena, Spleef Arena, Hunger games and much much more!

New StaffChanges to current staff Helpers: I_is_tiger_rawrMusic_Man_InAPan
Mods:davidpartayEloweaselPsychopup S-Mod: Event-Manager

Zrkom3SparkyBearBomb Admins:Tobie142dsutc3dooley1101Grumpy888 Staff Manager: Server Managers:SuperG33KxxjordzaxxNikon Founder:TomographicsUntil next week, Goodbye!