Server Issues
Written by Tomographix

Sent from the server host:

Dear Customers,

CLOUDCUBE has been one of the most influential providers in the Asia Pacific gaming market since 2009. We undoubtedly brought down a lot of prices for most consumers when we entered the market - at the same time providing a top quality level of service and support. With other providers in the marketplace falling to poachers and cutting quality, we believe we have kept our standards high – and this is a win-win situation.

The last couple of days have been hard yakka for all of us here at CLOUDCUBE, but we believe in maximum transparency – and we'd like to explain how the situation came to be, how we responded, and where we plan to head now.

We'll put a TL;DR down the bottom for those short of time.

At around 2.30pm AEST on Sunday we noticed customers were having issues with International Traffic – and we soon notified our upstream provider. We were soon informed that a catastrophic switch failure has caused a series of events across a number of wholesale providers, and their International Transit systems. This caused a number of issues, including authorisation failures of GamePanel, failures for customers using Minecraft plugins that required international data, universal issues with server-side Minecraft user authorisation, Source-VAC authorisation failures, and many many more. We've received 55 tickets in this time, supported many through Skype and Steam, all while haggling for our International link to be restored. The state of confusion we were in was amplified, as with this, we lost all diagnostic monitoring systems as a result of no International Transit link.

We are currently working through a solution with our wholesale provider at this time, and will be providing a further update as soon as possible. At the time of writing, International transit has been restrored to IP addresses ending in 114-118, 153-166 and 184-198. We have been informed that a solution for .158 is being sought with upmost urgency, and we expect a solution within a week. Issues on .158 will result in occasional issues for the entire network, with servers showing as 'Unknown' and 'undefined' due to licence authorisation issues. Working with our partners in the United States, we have a solution for 99% of the time - however we will strive to minimise hiccups between now and the resolution of all issues on 158.

At 8.56PM AEST, we recieved word from our upstream provider that there is a high probability of a complete shutdown of the current failing link tomorrow (11th July) evening, in preparation for the new link. We have no ETA on when the new link will be in place.

If you feel you need to discuss the situation with us further – please don't hesitate to submit a support ticket.

We'd ask for your patience with regards to all support matters through this time. We apologise for the inconvienience this is causing our customers and their fellow gamers. We empathise how frustrating it is for someone who is avid enough to purchase a server to be burdened with issues outside of their control.

TL;DR: We have been affected as the result of a catastrophic switch failure causing a domino affect across our network, and our providers systems – and we are working towards a solution within 7 days for the stability of the entire network, and issues particularly affecting services on IP ending in 158. While we expect some issues to occur in the days ahead, we are making an iron-clad promise to credit all accounts significantly once this issue has passed.
