Written by Grumpy888


I know you must be desperate to get back online, we are trying out hardest to get the server back online. With any luck we should be operational tomorrow, fingers crossed! Once again thankyou for your patience.

Also for this week only donate $5 and recieve your very own custom nickname! !DONT MISS OUT!

This week we have been having various queries regarding specific perks and whether they are available, such as: multiple homes, /back command, GOD mode and flying. These are all perks available for only $10 with the $10 donation pack, So if you are interested take a look, you won't regret it!  

As always we are still looking for eager players to become helpers, so if you're interested click ' Apply ' to submit your application today! 

As I mentioned last week there is a new position available called promoter which is available to anyone. To apply simply ' Apply ' with the link provided. 

Well thats all for now, Until next time.

Have a Grumpy day!