Our February photo competition will have the theme:
"Love-themed Photo Comp". Rules: 1. Your photos must be original.2. 2 Photo's per person/team max!3. Teams must be no more than 2 people.4. You must showcase your love for someone or something within the server or the server itself.5. Each entry must have a description about the photo/s when posted. Prizes: Will include store credit for 1st, 2nd and third. Congratulations to last months build comp winners! *Please note that all photos entered must have been taken from the start of the event and not prior to this event. Congratulations to the following winners of the January build competition! 1st Team Eevee velocibadger, concop04 and khoho$30 store credit 2nd Team Galactic RedCardKatarina$20 store credit 3rdTeam Ascension_GRENINJA$10 store credit Please contact iBlitzcrank or _SaBrEWoLf via the website in regards to the usage of your store credit! Voting Winners 1. Rees1805 2. Vampymadeline 3. Velocibadger They all win a free rank upgrade! Please contact iBlitz with your current rank.