February Update
Love is in the air as we dive into February after a very busy January. Here is what we have on in February!

We had a fantastic time celebrating Sky's birthday, and it was great to see so many of you on to party! The results from the weekend are as follows:
[1st place $30 voucher] - IndiBoy - 220 points | [2nd place $20 voucher split] ScarlySparkle & DLemr - 190 points | 3rd place $10 voucher] SpeeDicy - 180 points | [4th place $5 voucher] xEmiTheGiraffex - 160 points
MoonGiggles220 - 120 points | shaylee_m - 90 points | Schpleek - 90 points | Diamound - 50 points | Bayleecraft - 50 points | Tomographix - 30 points | Han_Chloe - 30 points | ThunderBrit4 - 30 points | Walt3r__ - 30 points | Daisy_love321 - 30 points | FlashBack - 20 points | Crackerjack27 - 20 points

From the 1st until the 13th of February, players have the opportunity to submit a short message in a book to a special someone. Books can be submitted at /warp cupid. To ensure your submission meets the requirements, check the event rules in our discord!

Congratulations to Crackerjack27 who was the only one to get all the words this month! The words were: Balloons, Treats, Cake, Candles, Pinata, Presents, Streamers, Birthday, Celebrate & Dance!
This month's wordsearch is Valentines themed! This will be out soon at /warp wordsearch!

We had some awesome entries last month! A big congratulations to ThunderBrit4 [$15], SillySausagePot [$10], Sweet_Sheep_UwU [$5] and Schpleek [50k] for taking the top places with their entries! Please PM me to redeem your vouchers.
This month's theme is Valentines!

Great job through January, but lets do even better! Congratulations to our three DVC for the month - baailey, Crackerjack27 & Shaylee_m who have earnt themselves a $15, $10 and $5 voucher respectively. PM me to redeem your vouchers!

Congratulations to our new SOTM and POTM - Schpleek & MistyMeows! February nominating is open now! > https://bit.ly/3WG1Wkg